Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) refers to a condition that causes chronic pain in the area of the jaw joint. With TMD, the source of the pain can be the joint itself or the muscles that surround it. People with this disorder often experience pain while chewing, difficulty opening or closing their jaws, and sometimes a clicking sound during jaw movement. In order to help people with TMD experts recommend a temporary switch to a softer diet, hot compresses or ice packs, as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen. Thankfully, most cases of TMD will in time resolve themselves without more complex treatments.
Jaw pain doesn’t always originate in the joint. In some cases, there could be a gum abscess, which is a sac filled with pus that develops beneath the gum line. An abscess can result from untreated gum disease, or may be caused by a trapped food particle that has developed an infection around it. To stop the pain, you will have to drain the abscess, but you might also need a course of antibiotics to completely clear up the infection. A Doc Wellbee dental plan – the best dental plan in Atlanta – can also help you save money on prescription medications.
Tooth decay can also be felt as jaw pain. This condition is usually treated with a root canal procedure – though any type of infection serious enough to cause pain can result in tooth looseness or even loss if not cared for promptly. Make sure to sign up for the best dental plan in Atlanta today, you never know when you might experience jaw pain.
A traumatic injury to the face can also cause various painful jaw problems, including a bone fracture, dislocation of the joint, swelling, and muscle spasms. If you fall, have a sports injury or other type of accident involving the face or head, a trip to the ER is usually advised.
Minor jaw injuries and soreness can sometimes be relieved with cold packs applied to the face, anti-inflammatory medication, and avoidance of foods that are difficult to bite or chew. But if you can’t get relief in any of these ways, be sure to see your general dentist promptly. They can diagnose your condition and refer you to a specialist if necessary. Sign up for a Doc Wellbee dental savings plan; the best dental plan in Atlanta. To sign up call our office at (866)519-7667 or go online to docwellbee.com.