Terms of Services:

Disclosures and limitations:

  • The advertised plan is not a health insurance policy.
  • The advertised plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services.
  • The advertised plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services.
  • The advertised plan member is obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted with the discount plan organization.
  • The Discount Medical Plan Organization is doc Wellbee, Inc.

located at 3957 Pleasantdale Rd Ste 107, Atlanta, GA 30340.

If a monthly payment is desired, an automatic draft must be established and authorized by the Member from either their bank checking or savings account. In the event Member desires to change from a Monthly Draft to Annual payment, the Member must submit the balance remaining (annual fee minus sum of monthly draft payments already paid for that annual period) based on annual fee specified above. A Member may switch from Annual prepayment to monthly draft at their anniversary date, however it is required that an approval draft authorization has been duly processed prior to switchover.

Members shall remain active until discontinued by Member, requiring below-noted notice. Members shall automatically be renewed annually utilizing their original payment method, which is on file. Membership cards are mailed (USPS) by DocWellbee upon initial membership, and annually thereafter.

Termination of membership: We require a written notice from Member to Doc Wellbee, a minimum of 30 days prior to desired cancellation date and return of all membership cards within their possession.  If the member cancels his or her membership with DocWellbee within the first 30 days after the effective date of enrollment in the plan, the Member shall receive a reimbursement within 30 days of all periodic charges upon return of the discount card to DocWellbee.

The plan provides dental, optical, pharmaceutical, chiropractic and hearing coverage. Dental benefits provide a savings range from 25% to 60%. Pharmaceutical savings range from 32%-35%off average retail prices and savings as high as 75% on some medications. Chiropractic savings are free initial consultation, 50% savings on diagnostic services and X-Rays, and 35% on all other services. Hearing benefits provide free hearing screening and 15% retail discount. Vision savings range from 5% to 35% through OutlookVision.

Additional family members may be added during the term of the contract on a prorated basis, based upon difference in annual fee for single versus family coverage. If the Member is setup on a Prepay Annual basis, the difference in annual coverage rates must be paid prior to authorization of added family members. If the Member is setup on a monthly draft arrangement, the amount of the monthly draft shall be adjusted accordingly upon Member’s written approval. Conversely, if a Member desires to switch from a family plan to single coverage, the difference in annual coverage rates will be refunded to the Member, or the monthly draft amount, if applicable, will be adjusted accordingly. Any Member desiring to change their Plan type must call the above-noted toll free number requesting the change.

If you have any questions, complaints or concerns regarding your membership or plan benefits, please call our office Monday through Friday (8:30am-5: 30pm EST) to speak with one of our specialty trained representatives


 Form 110b –Rev:11/13

© 2025 Doc Wellbee By Affordable Family Health Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


DISCLAIMER: Please note that THIS PLAN IS NOT INSURANCE and is not intended to replace insurance. This plan is not a Qualified Health Plan under the Affordable Care Act. It provides discounts at participating providers. The plan does not pay providers directly. Plan members must pay for all services but will receive a discount from participating providers. Prescription is an open formulary plan. The Discount Medical Plan Organization is Affordable Family Health Services, Inc. located at 9 Dunwoody Park Dunwoody, GA 30338.  AFHS does not guarantee the quality of the services or products offered by individual providers.

Privacy Policy - Terms of Services