Most people know that not brushing your teeth daily can lead to cavities, bad breath and tooth decay. But recent studies find that poor dental hygiene can also have unexpected health consequences, such as increased risks for Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, diabetes and poor birth outcomes. A study in 2010 found a link between gum inflammation and Alzheimer’s disease. People in the study who had gum inflammation were nine times more likely to get a lower score on cognitive tests. If the gums are inflamed due to the bacteria that causes periodontal disease, that same bacteria can actually get into the bloodstream causing the arteries to build up plaque and harden. Not only are diabetics already more susceptible to infection such as infected gums that lead to periodontal disease, but periodontal disease can in turn make diabetes more difficult to control. Symptoms can worsen as blood sugar levels go haywire because of gum disease. Use Doc Wellbee’s cheap dental plan in Georgia to help keep your gum disease under control.
Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy can cause a woman to develop oral infections much more easily. Any infection in the mother’s body increases her risk of experiencing pregnancy complications. Two of the easiest ways to prevent tooth decay and gum disease for any age is to stop eating processed foods and to see your dentist every six months. Use a cheap dental plan in Georgia to save up to 65% when you go to the dentist.
Processed foods contain unnecessary chemicals and these chemicals will help to break down the enamel on your teeth, which will lead to tooth decay and cavities. Processed foods also contain a lot of sugar, which will also lead to tooth decay. Cereal is often incredibly high in sugar. When food particles from sugary and starchy foods are left on your teeth, the bacteria in your mouth feed on them to form acids that destroy your enamel. The best foods for your teeth are carrots, celery, leafy greens, berries, apples, milk, fish, and nuts. These foods add necessary minerals back into your enamel to make it stronger and they also help clean out your mouth. Regular dental visits are important because they help to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Doc Wellbee offers cheap dental plans in Georgia and across the United States. Using this dental plan will help you save money on your next trip to the dentist. You can sign up for the plan online at or you can call the office at 866-519-7667.